7 Key Considerations When Selecting Your Ideal Software Testing Partner

Does your business do QA internally and feel it might be missing out on best practices?

Do you have limited experience in working with an external QA software testing partner?

Then this is for you!

Selection Checklist:

 Leadership #1

      1. Is the candidate you are looking for a leader in the field?
      2. Do they understand the latest technologies, tools, techniques, and methods?
      3. Can they help you optimize your process without you having to babysit them?

 Longevity #2

      1. How long has this software testing company been in business?
      2. Do they have existing clients that have been with them for a long time? Can they prove it?
      3. Can they show examples of success across different industries?

 Industry Expertise #3

      1. How many industries do they have experience with?
      2. Can they adapt to the diverse demands of your business and your industry?

 Business Model #4

      1. How many industries do they have experience with?
      2. Can they adapt to the diverse demands of your business and your industry?

 Are they good listeners? #5

      1. Do they bill by the hour?
      2. Or, are they trying to be an extended arm of your business?
      3. Can they help your business maintain a high-quality standard for your software over time?

 Cost vs. Quality #6

      1. Does the company understand that you should never compromise the quality of your software for cost?
      2. Does it understand that cost focus selection will lead to higher costs along the way?

Integrity and Honesty #7

      1. Do they admit to making mistakes?
      2. If yes, can they discuss how they grew from those mistakes?
      3. If not, are they pretending to be experts on every tool, industry, and business out there?


Download This Checklist Here.

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