E-Commerce Software Testing Market Set For Growth

E-Commerce Software Testing Market Set For Growth
ecommerce testing services

It’s not surprising that the e-commerce software testing market ‘is set to fly high’ as buyer purchasing habits have been accelerated towards online purchases due to the pandemic. And even as the pandemic morphs into an endemic, we are still left with our habits developed during the pandemic which means more delivery and more online purchases. If the pandemic had lasted only a few months, we’d simply go back to what we used to do, but who will go back to […]

Agile Testing Solution market shows growth

The Agile Testing Solution market shows growth because it’s huge…

Why is that?

Any Agile Testing Solution contains so many elements. Many think of a ‘solution’ and automatically think of a tool that can be used as the “agile solution” but this is far from reality. Drawing a crude analogy, if you wanted a solution for a wardrobe cabinet, and bought an all purpose toolkit that had a variety of ratchet wrenches, screwdrivers, nails, and hammers would that be a solution? Rather a solution depends on what your objectives are, your personal (or corporate) requirements and needs. […]

The Best Software Test Strategy In 10 Steps

software testing strategy 10 key elements
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Having a proper software test strategy is crucial to consistently maintaining a high-quality level for your organization’s software. Unfortunately, many businesses put software testing at the bottom of their priority list, and some don’t even have a software test strategy.

So we thought we’d compile the ten elements you should consider to get the best software test strategy possible.

1. Keep documentation at the “right’ Level, and […]

7 Key Considerations When Selecting Your Ideal Software Testing Partner

7 Key Considerations When Selecting Your Ideal Software Testing Partner

Does your business do QA internally and feel it might be missing out on best practices?

Do you have limited experience in working with an external QA software testing partner?

Then this is for you!

Selection Checklist:

 Leadership #1

      1. Is the candidate you are looking for a leader in the field?
      2. Do they understand the latest technologies, tools, techniques, and methods?
      3. Can they help you optimize your process without you having to babysit them?

 Longevity […]

Financial Software Testing – Best Practices

We’ve been working with a financial application that does account reconciliation for several years now. The financial software we test conforms to SAS70 (Statement on Auditing Standards No. 70), so all of the data and workflows are designed according SAS70. Although we aren’t accountants, certainly testing this type of software needs a more careful eye than ordinary UI testing, so I thought I’d share some of the best practices developed by our team over the last few years.

Defect Classification in Software Testing

Why Do Defects Occur and What Can We Do About Them?

We all say that we must ‘learn from our mistakes’ but how can we do this? One way, in the realm of software development, is software defect categorization. For many dev teams, after days and weeks of working on a game-changing feature/update, just when you’re about to deploy to the product stage, you discover a huge defect in the software. As software testers, we want to find the defects, but for the organization, the most important thing is what caused the defects in the first place?

To better understand root causes […]

Impact of GDPR on Software Testing

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As software testers we may think that GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) has nothing to do with us. However, the keyword here is data. The problem is that to do our testing, we typically need data. You can’t do realistic end user acceptance testing without realistic data. Even before GDPR, getting good data for testing was a problem.

Especially with complex business rules whereby a location may dictate that certain rules are enacted, or when a transaction changes different data fields as it is processed, or when data becomes valid, invalid, […]

Testing Accounting Software – IFRS Validation and Verification

This blog discusses some of the issues in testing accounting software and in particular when validating and verifying International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), set by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). In a nutshell, IFRS is concerned with the preparation of financial statements. While GAAP ensures ....  

API Testing Challenges

Nowadays, API testing forms an important part of testing a web application. This blog post explains what is API testing, how it supplements other software testing approaches, the challenges it brings and how to overcome them.

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